Ben Fitterman Ben Fitterman

The Truth About List Hygiene Most Ecomm Stores Hate Hearing

If I want more fresh, new leaves then why would I chop off a whole section of the plant?

But a few weeks later my doubts were erased when the plant had almost doubled the leaves.

This counterintuitive advice is always the hardest to implement.

It’s just like email list hygiene.

You spend a lot of time, effort and money to grow your list into a big ol’ money plant. So when someone tells you to delete your unengaged subscribers, it's really hard to accept.

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Ben Fitterman Ben Fitterman

A Simple Trick To Maximize Your Email Automation Revenue

Would you leave an extra $7,787.55 on the table?

A few years ago I was living in Arequipa, Peru.

I had moved down there to be with my then girlfriend and ended up getting married with her and staying a few extra years.

Now one of our favorite meals to get was Pollo a la brasa. Which is roasted chicken cooked over charcoals.

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Ben Fitterman Ben Fitterman

The Email Octagon #2: Duke Cannon

Last month I went to pick up a prescription at my local pharmacy. When I got there, the friendly pharmacist told me it would take about 20 minutes to fill. So rather than get back into my car and listen to sports radio while cruising Reddit, I decided to partake in a little retail therapy.

I was just casually browsing the men’s shower section when my eye suddenly noticed a huge bar of soap that looked like a beer can. WTF?

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Ben Fitterman Ben Fitterman

Next Level Abandon Checkout Strategies

An abandon checkout automation is quite possibly the most valuable asset for your e-commerce store.

Their entire job is to bring back potential customers who started their checkout process but then vanished.

Maybe they got cold feet. Maybe their 3 year old spilled an entire bottle of maple syrup on the kitchen counter and is now running rampant through the house.

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Ben Fitterman Ben Fitterman

$0 to $1,000,000 In One Month and The Ugly Truth About Email Marketing.

Several years ago I got my second ever client at the big agency I worked for. A well known apparel brand with a lot of celebrity influencers, that was just dipping their toes into the ecommerce world.

Until that point they sold all their apparel through department stores. So they were rightfully skeptical about how successful their online DTC store could be.

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Ben Fitterman Ben Fitterman

2 Email Marketing Tips From An Unlikely Source: DJs

Before I made the leap to email marketing I worked for five years as a live sound engineer in NYC.

I ran sound for thousands of bands, and picked up some pretty wild stories along the way.

I didn’t realize it until later but I learned some valuable lessons about email marketing from an unlikely source: DJs.

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Ben Fitterman Ben Fitterman

How to Use ChatGPT to Write your SMS Marketing Campaigns

The AI powered age is here and I for one welcome our new AI powered overlords!

ChatGPT was launched just a few short months ago, but it has quickly become one of the most talked about online tools.

Let’s see how we can use it’s powers for good and help us crank out SMS messages. Fast.

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Ben Fitterman Ben Fitterman

The Email Octagon #1 - La Boite Spices

Ladies and gentlemen and email marketing fans around the world. It’s tiimmeeeee!

Today we’re kicking off the inaugural Email Octagon blog segment, where we take a brand with killer email marketing, throw ‘em in the octagon, lock the cage, and break down their moves.

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Ben Fitterman Ben Fitterman

2 Proven Email Marketing Strategies for a $232,028 Product Launch

Nothing gets brand owners more pumped than a good old fashioned product launch. Aside from sitewide sales, launches are usually a great way to make a lot of dollar bucks appear in your bank account.

However, I’ve noticed that while most ecommerce brands put a lot of effort into creating a new product, their launch strategy for email marketing is predictability underwhelming.

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Ben Fitterman Ben Fitterman

3 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Email Marketing strategies that generated $1 million.

Congrats guys. You did it! Q4 is over. The dust has finally settled from a wild Black Friday / Cyber (BF/CM) Monday season.

Now that we’re out of the eye of the storm, I wanted to take a moment and share three winning email marketing strategies that brought in $1 million for two clients and that can help you make some major dollah bucks in 2023.

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