How to Use ChatGPT to Write your SMS Marketing Campaigns

The Artificial Intelligence age is here and I for one welcome our new AI powered overlords!

GIF of robot dancing

Nice moves…robot.

ChatGPT, which was launched only a few months ago, has quickly become one of the most hotly debated tools. As is often the case these days, the response has been polarizing. Some view it as the next job-killing robot that will take away their paychecks, while others see it as a helpful tool that can enable us to accomplish more in less time.

But let’s keep it real. ChatGPT is just another digital tool that can help us make our jobs a little easier and faster

What I’ve found is that ChatGPT is really good for writing SMS marketing campaigns. Text messages can be tricky to write because there’s a 160 character limit, and I personally find it tedious to create multiple variations of a message with only a handful of words.

This is where our robot writing friends can help us out.

To show you how you can start using ChatGPT for SMS marketing, I pretended I was writing a campaign for a client that sells nootropic supplements called “Smart Brain”.

The first thing I like to do is ask the AI to do a little research about a new topic for me. Just so I can quickly get some big picture ideas.

So I entered this prompt: What are the top 3 reasons people use nootropics?

image of using ChatGPT for SMS marketing.

Boom. We’re off to a good start. Now that we have the 10,000 foot view. Let’s choose our favorite reason and generate some text messages.

Daangg, ChatGPT’s emoji game is tight.

Honestly these are all good enough to send to your list right now. All that’s missing is to toss in a link and hit send. You could even get ahead and schedule out a few of these if you really want to,

You can also adjust the voice of the text messages if you want them to be more serious or funny.

Ok, so some of these are really corny, but I kinda like number 2. If only we could write 5 more text messages like that..

image of ChatGPT in action writing an SMS marketing campaign

See? This is literally just a tool. Not all the prompts you give ChatGPT will give you something great. But when you find something like do like, you can have it generate more in that style.

I don’t know about you but writing a copy for any kind of sale is really, really tedious. How many different ways can we say “save XX% shop now?

So instead of wracking our brain and staring at a blank document for hours. Let’s get the computers to do the work.

ChatGPT writing a text message for a sale.

Now that's what I’m talking about! You can literally just slap any of those into your SMS marketing platform, add a link (PLEASE DON’T FORGET THE LINK), send it out and watch the cash come in.

Here’s another variation on that prompt I did which was pretty cool too:

Again, for a cut and dry sale, all of these work for an SMS campaign. Even the emojis are on point.

Nice job ChatGPT!

I’m still getting my feet wet with this tool but these prompts should help you get started today.

Computers are here to help us work faster and more efficiently. So here is your chance to adapt, thrive, and spend a little less time working.


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