Get The Same High Converting Welcome Series That Generated $3 Million for One Client Alone (and Takes Less Than an Hour to Set Up.)

Grab the same five-email template I’ve used to help dozens of e-commerce clients generate THOUSANDS of dollars in revenue from their welcome series flows.

Dear Friend,

If you are sick and tired of leaving thousands, hundreds of thousands or potentially millions of dollars of revenue on the table, then this will be the most exciting thing you read today.

Here’s why…

My name is Ben Fitterman.

I’m an email marketer and strategist that helps e-commerce brands increase their revenue with email.

As a former Director of Email Marketing for a top-tier digital agency, I've taken everything I've learned and boiled it down to these five powerful templates that I'm excited to share with you.

This is the exact welcome series framework I’ve used to help dozens of e-commerce clients like yourself generate hundreds of thousands of dollars per year from their welcome series.

In less than an hour you can transform your welcome series into something like this:

image of successful welcome series in klaviyo

What I’m going to share with you has helped dozens of
e-commerce brands recover sales and consistently generate millions of dollars year after year.

In fact…

One large client (from the above screenshot) came to me with no welcome series set up.

After installing this exact same five email template they generated $300K in their first month, and just over $3 MILLION in the first year from the welcome series alone.

They’ve been running this same welcome series virtually untouched for three years. And the money just keeps rolling in 365/24/7 without them even lifting a finger.

Just IMAGINE how much revenue you might be leaving on the table right now.

Let me introduce you to...

The Automated
Money Machine

How to create your own high-converting welcome series from scratch without a copywriter, designer or developer.

I created a template pack and video training that's tailor made for
e-commerce business owners who want to consistently convert new email subscribers into loyal customers, and add a reliable stream of income to their business.

This is a high-converting welcome series that you can copy and paste into your email software NOW and start converting new customers by dinner time.

Here’s the deal:

In my time working at a big marketing agency, it was shocking to see how many e-commerce businesses were leaving thousands, and even MILLIONS of dollars on the table because they hadn't bothered to set up a proper welcome series.

Look, I get it…

As e-commerce store owner you barely have time to eat lunch, let alone spend days trying to figure out how to improve your welcomes series.

That’s why I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you by giving you the EXACT welcome series templates I’ve used for my clients to consistently convert new prospects into customers.

And now, this will help you too.

Here’s What Clients Are Saying About Ben:

"Ben’s expert hands-on management and collaborative approach allowed us to more than double our email revenue YoY in November.

He has been a patient and valuable partner, and I feel much more confident in my ability to achieve success with email marketing thanks to his guidance.”

Mike Zapata
CEO of CLIQ Products

“Ben transformed our email and SMS marketing with expertise and attention to detail. His complete rebuild of our campaigns, including automations, led to improved engagement and conversions.

He understands our brand and delivers consistent, data-driven campaigns, optimizing performance and opening new growth opportunities.”

Jack Ku
COO, Co-Founder of City Grounds

  • My 5 welcome series email templates with multiple subject line variations ready for you to swipe and plug into your email platform.

  • A video training on how to adapt the templates to your specific business and brand voice with examples of successful client emails.

  • An in-depth lesson on welcome series strategy and writing “good enough” email copy.

  • A step-by-step video lesson on how to setup your welcome series from scratch inside Klaviyo.

  • A video lesson that shows you how to create your own time saving email master template that you can quickly clone and adapt for future emails.

Here’s What’s Inside The Automated Money Machine

Order The Automated Money Machine
Today And Get These Two Bonuses


How To Setup your Welcome Series in Klaviyo (Quick Start Video)

This training lets you watch “over my shoulder”, as I show you exactly how to set up your welcome series inside of Klaviyo in about 30 minutes.

Even if you’re not very tech savvy, you just need to follow the exact steps I show you in the video and your welcome series will be ready to launch in no time.


Create Your Own G.O.A.T. Email Layout

Forget what big agencies will try to sell you – you don’t need fancy emails to get great results from email marketing. In my experience they create more headaches than revenue.

In this video I show you how quickly create your own master email template in Klaviyo that you can easily clone and adapt to save time and get quick wins.

“Ok I get it, it sounds good…
but what if this doesn't
work out for me?"

This is the best part right here. My Automated Money Machine comes with a no-hassle or BS, 100% money back guarantee!

I just ask that you follow my instructions to a T, and let your welcome series run for 30-days.

If you don’t see a substantial increase in revenue I’ll refund every penny.

No questions asked.

By now you’re probably curious what kind of investment you’ll need to get going with this…

Usually I’d charge clients at least $2,000 to set this up for them.

But you can get my Automated Money Machine today for…

How Much Does The Automated Money Machine Cost?


Yup. That’s it.

If you get just two sales from this welcome series you’ll already have made your money back.

Compare that to hiring a fancy agency that will charge you at least $3,000 PER MONTH and lock you into a multi-month contract.

(Not to mention it could take 30-45 days before the welcome series is running.)

Or you can get similar results for a FRACTION OF THE COST.

It only takes about an hour to install.

Set it. Forget it.

Then kick your feet up with a beverage in your hand and watch the money roll in.

Imagine how that feels instead of leaving THOUSANDS of dollars on the table, and letting hundreds of valuable new email sign ups go cold.

All you need to do is place your order and you’ll get instant access to The Automated Money Machine plus these bonuses:

Bonus 1: How to setup your Welcome Series in Klaviyo (Quick Start Video)

Bonus 2: How to Create Your Own G.O.A.T. Email Layout

All for just $98.

Pretty rad, right?

It’s Time For You To Make A Decision…

1) Do nothing and continue to leave thousands of dollars on the table while burning your ads budget trying to convert new customers via retargeting…


2) Start consistently converting hundreds of new customers each and every month.

Get my Automated Money Machine today and it will be one of the most profitable investments you make for your ecommerce store.

It’s seriously just $98.