A Simple Trick To Maximize Your Email Automation Revenue

Would you leave an extra $7,787.55 on the table?

A few years ago I was living in Arequipa, Peru.

I had moved down there to be with my then girlfriend and ended up getting married with her and staying a few extra years.

Now one of our favorite meals to get was Pollo a la brasa. Which is roasted chicken cooked over charcoals.

It’s almost lunchtime and just writing this out is making my mouth water.

My favorite parts of the chicken are the things and legs. And I’ll never forget the first time I went out to eat with my wife's family.

They saw how much meat I left on the bones and would make jokes that I was eating the chicken like a gringo. My mother in law leaves nothing left on the bones. Not one speck of meat, or cartilage.

You should think about your email marketing this way

The other day I was going through a client’s account when I noticed that the final email of the welcome series was turned off.

I looked at the historical data and this email was pulling in $7,787.55 per month.

That’s $93,450.63 per year.


And it was off.

I immediately asked the client what was going on. Maybe it was turned off by mistake or the coupon had expired?

“Yeah, I didn’t like the email design. I’d rather turn off the email than send an ugly email.”

(For the record the email looked fine.)

Do you know what all this lost revenue could do for you?

You could re-invest it on paid ads to get new customers.

You could confidently scale your ads knowing you’ll make it up.

You could buy more inventory.

What would you do with an extra $93?

That’s a lot of “meat” left on the bone simply . And the worst thing is I literally see this all the time with email accounts.

In fact I’d bet there’s money just wasting away in your account right now.

So do this today:

Go into your highest converting flows and add an extra email or two.

Make every new email subscriber count.

PS: You don’t have to do this email thing alone… I’m here to help.


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