Does Your Business Need Better Results From Your Email Marketing?

I might be able to you help you out.

Here’s what you need to know about working with me.

  • I’m a laid back guy. I love working with brands that are ok with cutting loose and having fun with their email copy.

  • I’m a staunch believer that good copy always outperforms fancy email designs. I’m all about making you as much money as possible with email, and in my experience it comes down to how many emails can we send. Not how many hours we spend going back and forth over font sizes and color palettes. If you want fancy designed emails I can intro you to some of the best designers in the game and you can take it from there (They ain’t cheap).

  • I only work clients that I’m confident I can make a big, fat ROI from working together. How can I be sure of this? Before we hop on a call I create a deep dive email audit that shows you exactly how we can win big. If that sounds good to you, hit the button below to apply to work with me.

How I helped CLIQ products
generate $363,979 during
Black Friday / Cyber Monday

Here’s Who I Can Help

  • You need to be actively growing your email list. That means you’re investing money on paid traffic sources like Facebook, Google, TikTok etc.

  • You MUST be selling quality products that people love.

  • Your business needs to be making money. If no one is buying your products then you have a much bigger problem that email marketing alone WILL NOT FIX. If you haven’t established a proof of concept with your business we won’t be a good fit.

  • You need to be cool. I love collaborating with clients on projects but I cannot work with people who need constant handholding, try to micro manage me, or always have 9-1-1 email emergencies. I work best with clients who treat me like a NAVY Seal unit. You give me the mission, and I will handle the rest.

If all this sounds good to you then let click the button below to get started.