CLIQ products is an ecommerce brand based out of California that sells outdoor chairs that are as much fun to set up as they are to sit in.

This is the tale of how they were able to crush their BF/CM goals with a killer email and SMS marketing strategy.

How I helped CLIQ products generate $363,979 during
Black Friday / Cyber Monday

image of Mike

"Ben’s expert hands-on management and collaborative approach allowed us to more than double our email revenue YoY in November.

He has been a patient and valuable partner, and I feel much more confident in my ability to achieve success with email marketing thanks to his guidance.”

Mike Zapata
CEO of CLIQ Products

The Highlights


  • Didn’t start planning or finalize the offer until a week before sale

  • We needed to beat last year’s sales by at least 50% to justify using the biggest discount in company history

  • Hadn’t sent an SMS campaign in over a year


  • Special early access for email list subscribers discount.

  • Plain text, simple layouts

  • Increased campaign volume 11 total vs 2 last year


  • $340,005.55 in email sales

  • $23,973.61 in SMS sales

  • Increased YoY BF/CM revenue by 126%

Want to apply to work with me?

Do you want me to help you quickly increase your email revenue?
Click the button below to apply to work with me.