When is the best time to send an email Campaign?

If there is question that always pops up from cilents. It’s this.

What is the best time to send an email?

It makes sense. We’ve spent hours planning, writing and designing this email, so we want to make sure we get the best results.

And after sending thousands of emails for dozens of clients. You know what I’ve found the best time to send an email?

Whenever you feel like it. Seriously.

The thing about email marketing that’s beautiful, or infuriating for some, is that we’re always shooting at a moving target.

When you send an email some people will open it instantly. Others in a couple hours. And some, in a few days. But chances are a large segment of your list will never even see it. It will get buried in the inbox by the hundreds of emails received daily.

Lost in the digital sands of time.

That’s why your long term email marketing strategy should emphasis sending well-written emails frequently. The more the better.

Trying to pin point the perfect time to send an email is futile, and in my opinion a total waste of time.

There are tons of email platforms out there that can optimize campaigns for the best send time. I’ve ran tests for tons of clients and you know what I discovered? They always show the “optimal” send time is somewhere between 7-9pm. For every client I’ve done this test for.

Now, maybe it is true.

Most people open their emails at night, after they’ve finished work and can finally have a moment to themselves. But is that the optimal time time for someone to place an order?

I dunno. Maybe those people are just opening every single email in their inbox so they don’t have 1,011 messages unread.

I’ve sent emails at 2am that kicked some serious ass.

Another important thing to remember is you can’t pay your bills with email opens. Email open rates are a vanity metric that in the post iOS15 era, are practically worthless.

But the headline here is this:

The formula for success with email marketing is pretty simple. Send entertaining emails to your list often and you will see results. I don’t care when you are sending emails. 4am, 7pm, 12:11pm. If you are writing good emails, and sending constantly, thats when the magic happens.


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