How Often Should I Email My List?

It's blog post #1, so let's get this party started.

I wanted to tackle one of the most common questions I get asked by clients.

"So... how often should I email my list?"

This is a really good question, that unfortunately doesn't have a one size fits all answer. But there is a range I recommend.

What I generally recommend to my clients is that you should be emailing AT LEAST 1-2 times per week, but more often is better. Heck, you can email every single day if you're doing it right, and have a solid workflow in place to create emails quickly.

But what about Spamming people? I can hear the cries already.

If you are focusing on writing good emails that are interesting to the people on your list this is a non issue. People are on your list because they are interested in what you sell. They are interested in what you sell because they have some need or desire that your product fulfills. And if you focus on that your emails get a lot easier to write because you aren't scared about people getting angry and leaving.

Email marketing is all about the long game. Someone might join your list today, but isn't ready to buy until five months down the road, or even longer. You really can't control when someone will buy, but you can control how often you email and the content in your emails.

In my experience clients that email frequently make significantly more money than those that don’t. So here’s my challenge for you:

If you're only emailing your list twice a month. Try emailing them four times this month. If you are emailing once a week. Send two emails a week.

I am extremely confident you’ll be happy with the results.


When is the best time to send an email Campaign?